About Us

Return To Perform Physiotherapy

Return to Perform (RTP) is a performance physiotherapy facility focussed on high quality rehabilitation that aims to return to you higher performance levels than pre-injury. Whether that be to your job, sport or simple everyday activities, you’ll receive a thorough assessment that could include biomechanics, strength, range of motion and movement patterns to identify potential causes or contributing factors. We then develop an individualised management plan, ensuring your injury is resolved and ideally does not reoccur.

Formed in 2020, RTP is an inclusive practice, welcoming people with a broad range of injuries and conditions. We believe everyone should have access to high quality physiotherapy whether you’re an elite or amateur sportsperson, face mobility issues, have a disability, are injured from everyday activities or a runner wanting injury prevention exercises.

Whether your activities have been stopped by pain, weakness, loss of range or balance, RTP provides tools for self-management that enhance your health and wellbeing. Recognising everyone’s goals, needs and histories differ, the principles of healing are much the same; it’s your pathway to recovery that varies. Championing an individualised and patient-centric approach, we factor in contributing weakness and deficits to assess and accurately diagnose your condition or injury. Using manual therapies, tailored exercises and diverse modalities that you actually enjoy, RTP creates a unique plan so you get a buzz out of your sessions which plays a pivotal role in your recovery journey.

Movement is key during the recovery stage, and keeping you mobile to a degree your injury allows is of paramount importance. We advocate an active approach post-injury, using this crucial period as an opportunity to provide solutions, achieve results and return you to your chosen activity physically and mentally ready.


Clients Returning To Perform


Years Of Experience


Specialist Services


Convenient Location

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